Hey y'all! This is my first blog post. I understand my mommy has been keeping y'all up to date on all of my whereabouts. It is kinda embarrassing to know that pictures and stories of me are online; however, I know it is all in good fun! That being said, I'm still upset with her for exposing my private parts to prove my masculinity (and believe me, I've made her pay for it) but that's another story for another day.
Today I wanted to introduce you to my new friends! They are so nice to of waited patiently for me to arrive as they are a bit older than myself. They've been teaching me lots and lots about how to deal with mommy and all her girl-y friends. You see, mommy has found a group of friends who happen to be on maternity leave at the same time she is. So we have been pretty social in meeting up with them for various lunches, happy hours, and new parent groups. Mommy keeps saying things like "I NEED a drink" and "this feeding thing means I can order a hamburger right?"...I'm not sure what this means but she sure seems to be needing the relaxation...I hope that has nothing to do with little 'ole me??! Oh well, I think she deserves it. She is up with me around the clock with yummy food, hugs, kisses, and to talk me through my crying spells. It is pretty darn scary waking up in this new world sometimes and she is always there for me. Sometimes she sings me songs - I kinda think she is making up words so I laugh at her - while we sit in the glider. And other times I let her watch Matt Lauer (whoever that is) in the morning between my hiccups sessions. We have pretty busy days but they are tons of fun! And honestly I love my car seat so I nap a lot when we are out of the house.
The good news is that my mommy's friends all have baby boys! Well, there is this one girl, Maddy, that hangs around sometimes and although she seems cool, Drew has warned me about the "koodies" we can get from her. That being said, there are enough boys to chill with so there is less of a chance that I'll get the "koodies" (or so Drew has told me - he's so smart!). We are like our own little gang!
Last week we went to the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. Mommy and her girlfriends seemed very intrigued by many of the exhibits. Whatever! I got to take pictures next to the penguins and fishies!!
I am just a little jealous that Drew and his mommy got kissed by a penguin. Oh well, that's what I get for sleeping!
Then we went to lunch a few blocks away. Here are some pictures of some of the mommies and my friends. Not pictured are Shannon, my friend Benjamin, Meg, and and my friend Greyson.
I also saw my very first firetruck!!! That was extremely exciting and mommy told me ALL about my Uncle Tod and how he's a big time firefighter in Seattle. I cannot WAIT to meet him! I want to hear all of his stories b/c now I want to be a firefighter when I grow up. That and a major league baseball player. She said that he gave us a tour of the fire station when I was in mommy's tummy but I don't remember that. I'm really hoping I get a tour from Cool Uncle Tod one day. I keep waiting for mommy to tell me that I have an Uncle on the Houston Astros but I'm thinking that is just a dream.
Today mommy, grandma, and I headed to PF Changs to have lunch with the mommies and my friends. I was a really bad mood all during lunch because I wasn't sitting next to Drew or Logan. They are closest to my age and understand me a little more. That being said, I did get to sit next to Dane...he's REALLY old at 10 months and had SO many stories to tell me. He's really cool. I hope to be like him or Benjamin when I get older....they are so smart and can eat with their hands!
After lunch, mommy let me hang out with some of my friends. Here are the three of us: Logan (3.5 months old), myself (1.5 months old), and Andrew (2.5 months old). It was SO much fun!
This is Logan. His mommy is Lindsy and they live in the South Bay so we don't get to see them as much. Logan said that his mommy said they were going to try to meet up with us a little more. I hope that is the case! Logan is a wiggle worm like myself and really like to kick his legs just like me! He kept looking at his mommy and I really wanted him to look at me so I kept tapping his shoulder to get his attention. What was up with him looking at his mommy so much??? Hello, she's a girl and it is boy time!
This is Drew, short for Andrew. He and I hang out all the time. His mommy is Alison. She and mommy hang out a lot and go to quite a few new parent groups together, as well as, the lunches with the other mommies. Drew was obsessed with sucking on his fist the whole time we were playing. I felt bad for him so I kept trying to offer him my fist as well. At one point he did accept it and started to suck on mine as well. I think that made him feel better. Clearly from our outfit choices, we both like fishies. However, we did NOT plan that. Only girls coordinate their outfits. Talk to Maddy about that...she knows. But be careful because she will give you koodies.
Mommy's good friend, Lesley, is having a baby boy too! I am SO excited to meet him. Mommy says I cannot meet him for another 10 weeks though. I'm kinda bummed about that and don't completely understand why they don't hang out with us now but mommy told me to be patient... Drew, Logan, and I cannot wait to get Baby Schooler in on our plan to conquer the world!
So those are my friends and what I've been up to...other than sleeping and eating of course. I promise to update y'all in a little bit. It is time to bug mommy for some food!
Love, Little C
Such a cute blog post! Baby Schooler can't wait to meet Cavin and learn all the tricks from him!
Aw Jamie - that is the cutest post!! Love that Cavin is already saying ya'll!! :) Drew LOVE hanging out with Cavin right back!
Great first blog post Cavin! Logan loves hanging out with y'all : )
Hi Jamie & Mike!
I finally got signed up! I LOVE your recent blogs! Cavin is getting so big. I miss you and can't wait to see you guys in July! JJ
Cavin-you get the award for MPB (Most popular baby!)You have a lot of friends! I never seen a new born have so much fun!
How did I not know you and Cavin had a blog all this time?!!? Love his first post and all the pics of his friends...including us! Kyva can't wait to play with her friend Cavin again, although she's a bit afraid of catching HIS cooties! Oh well, at least they're cute cooties!
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