Monday, December 20, 2010

Numero Dos answers SOME of our questions!

There have been a couple things Mike and I are mainly curious about regarding the 'looks' of our new baby boy. I won't share all of them b/c, frankly, many of them are a bit ridiculous. However, nearing the top of our list are:

1) Eye color - blue or brown?
2) Skin color - frosty the snowman or jimmy buffet?
3) Webbed toes? - it's where Cavin and I get our power (Mike disagrees - he's jealous)
4) Angelina Jolie lips? - this is how Cavin attracts the ladies
5) Spruiell nose?
6) Spruiell noggin?

Dos decided to tease us a bit and hand over some long awaited answers! From the pictures below, I think we can all determine that #4 and #5 are a 'go'. And the measurements that the doctor took on his head (at this point clocking in at 89th percentile) give #6 a 'go'. He held his left arm over his eyes the entire time just in case we had super technology that could tell eye color. :)

Judging from the picture below, I think #3 above could be a 'no go' - TOO BAD for Numero Dos! I'm still holding out though for some last minute duck toes though!

Aside from the superficial, everything is measuring well. All of his organs seem to be functioning properly, he is moving a lot, and still has those hiccups :). He has moved down slightly to 76th percentile over all in weight (phew!) but the doctor and technician kept saying things like "what a big baby!" and "look at those long feet!" so we really don't know what to expect.

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