Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Little Words Wednesday

Little words from a little person that make very little sense.

Cavin: "What do pancakes do?"
Mommy: "Pancakes go in your tummy and make you feel full."
Cavin: "And water goes in my bobbum [his word for 'bottom'] and pee needs water and then and then I'm going to play with all of them!"

Cavin: "A motorcycle!!!!"
Mommy: "That's right!"
Cavin: "I'm going to eat him!  I'm going to see the motorcycle and then take it and eat him and then eat alllll the people out there.  And the cars."
Mommy: ".......??......"
Cavin: "And then I'll be full!"

Cavin: "Daddy fixed the gate."
Mommy: "Oh really?"
Cavin: "Brodie pushed me and I cried.  I ran up the hill and he pushed me down and I cried. And dirt got up my nose and smoke came out of my mouth and then daddy fixed the gate."

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